5520 Secor Road
Toledo, OH, 43623
(419) 725-2450

Mon–Fri: 9AM–7PM | Sat: 10AM–6PM | Sun: 12PM–5PM

(419) 725-2450

5520 Secor Road
Toledo, OH, 43623

Mon – Fri: 9AM – 8PM | Sat : 9AM – 7PM
Sun : 10AM – 6PM

Hours: (click to show) 3

Botanicare Cocogro Loose 1.75 cu ft (In Store PICKUP ONLY)




Cocogro® is blended from 100% premium coco coir that has been carefully processed to meet our rigorous specifications. Cocogro® offers gardeners an ecologically responsible and superior performing alternative to sphagnum peat-based mediums. Cocogro® has excellent drainage properties and can be watered frequently while naturally maintaining optimum air to water ratios. The high cation exchange capacity of Cocogro® enables it to retain essential nutrients in the root zone until the plant needs them most.

Additional information


HGC117010 – Botanicare CocoGro 2 Yard Super Stack, HGC714826 – COCOGRO 1.75CF